Modern-day logistics focuses on efficiency, reliability, time-management, cost-cutting etc. With the implementation of modern-day technology and connected world, it opens doors for cyber fraudsters to intrude into one’s system and create potential damage. The management has now a new risk to consider, cybersecurity. Major logistics provider across the world struggle with keeping the private data of their client securely.


Emerging and developing technologies are all around us and every indhtmly possible. When we talk about logistics, connectivity and transparency is the key. Monitoring and maintaining logistical needs from any the geographical location would become more complex as the client’s increases or their volume increases. IoT is a gold mine for the logistics sector but it makes the business open to threat and vulnerability. Striking a perfect balance between connectivity and security is one of the challenges for the logistics organisation

Risk Mitigation Plan #1

  • Implement system security before implementing any software
    • Consulting with a tech solution provider in case of any emergency and what precautions should be taken to address any issue

Most of the cyber-sec facilities have the potential to face cyber-attack, whether it was because of a staff member or because of the updates in the particular software creating vulnerability for the organisation. If the organisation is sure and believe that they are 100% secure from cyber-attack and don’t have any alternate recovery plan, it can be disruptive for the organisation

Risk Mitigation Plan #2

  • Mentally accepting that no network is secure
    • Have a recovery plan in its place
    • Consulting with tech partners regarding the possible vulnerabilities

The organisation may have the most updated firewalls, secure devices but some individuals with an inadequate understanding of cyber-attacks would lead towards a devastating incident. Phishing emails, malicious applications can make the advanced logistics operations a smooth entry point and can make potential damages to the business that could be irrevocable.

Risk Mitigation Plan #3

  • Training the staff regularly
    • Continual information about phishing email scams and other vulnerability
    • Continuous evaluation of their learning related to their operation in business


The logistical sector would face issues related to cybersecurity, but identifying the risk and have control measures with the organisation would be beneficial for the organisation in realizing their true potential

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